Nya läkemedelsregler i EU/New pharmaceutical rules in the EU

2023-03-30 02:00:00 CEST

Nya läkemedelsregler i EU – när kommer lagförslaget och vilka blir konsekvenserna?
EU-kommissionens förslag till ny läkemedelslagstiftning har väckt debatt sedan ett utkast läckte till medierna i december. Lagförslaget har skjutits upp flera gånger, och har nu försenats ytterligare. Vilka blir konsekvenserna för forskning, innovation och konkurrenskraft inom europeisk life science om de läckta förslagen blir verklighet? Folkhälsodalen avslutar dagen med ett panelsamtal med nordiska röster från bland annat Europaparlamentet och läkemedelsindustrin.
Under rubriken Nordic Health Talks öppnar vi för samtal och samarbeten mellan nordiska aktörer inom hälso- och sjukvård och life science.

Samtalet hålls på engelska.

New pharmaceutical rules in the EU – when is the proposal coming and what are the consequences?
The European Commission's proposal for new pharmaceutical legislation has been the subject of debate since a draft was leaked to the media in December. The proposal has been postponed several times and has now been further delayed. What are the consequences for research, innovation and competitiveness in European life sciences if the leaked proposals become reality? The Public Health Valley wraps up the day with a panel discussion involving Nordic voices from the European Parliament and the pharmaceutical industry.
Under the umbrella of Nordic Health Talks, we will open up for discussions and collaborations between Nordic actors in healthcare and life science.

The conversation will be held in English.

Emma Hannonen, Senior advisor at Pharma Industry in Finland
Jenni Nordborg, Head of International Relations at the Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry
Joachim Henriksen, Corporate Affairs and Communication Manager at Pfizer in Norway
Monica Lidberg, Director of Regulatory Affairs at the Swedish Medical Products Agency
Rasmus Beedholm-Ebsen, Phd, senior advisor, Life Science, at The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Denmark
Sirpa Pietikäinen, Member of the European Parliament and member of the National Coalition Party, a part of the European People’s Party

Samtalsledare/Facilitator: Petter Odmark, Reform Society Company
Arrangör/Organizer: Reform Society Company
